The Leader in Analytical Solutions
ACME Analytical Solutions
Growing through 12 years, in Hayward, our technical and production staff draws from more than 50 years of experience serving American industries. Highly Educated (multiple Ph.D’s) and credentialed leadership & team members (Masters Degrees) deliver superlative quality in general chemical needs category. We emphasize accuracy, precision, truly reasonable price, swift service and innovative approaches through fresh insight shared with our customers. We are nimble, reliable and aim to help you succeed more efficiently and adroitly ongoing with Your Customer.
ACME Analytical Solutions, Inc. products are manufactured to order and specification using American Chemical Society (ACS) grade materials with meticulous attention to water purity (Reagent) for our solutions. Our well-tuned production capabilities allow same day shipments and custom formulation to complement any Chemical Management System (CMS).
With top notch accuracy, keen intelligence and current Good Laboratory Practices (cGLP), ACME Analytical Solutions is THE prime source for your future reagent chemicals, custom formulations and repackaging needs. If you seek streamlined, reliable expertise – as needed – treat our organization as Your “ready when you are” team.
While reviewing the ACME catalog, please note any needs you may have that are not represented in print as our production capabilities span well beyond these pages. Contact Us Today to discuss your particular chemical requirements and applications.